Happy clients

Ten-Pro tour coaching possibilities – click here       

About the Ten-Pro World Junior Tour – www.ten-pro.net


“Мы работали с Эди последние полгода во время турниров Ten Pro. Мне и детям настолько понравился его подход, что мы договорились о тренировках на целый месяц во время детских каникул и считаю дети совершили огромных скачок в понимании игры, тактике и поведении на корте.

Эди не обычный тренер по теннису, который просто ставит ребенку форхенд, бэкхенд и т.д., хотя мы также работали над тем, чтобы отточить технику детей, причем на примере коротких роликов действующих спортсменов, что давало детям дополнительное понимание, что некоторые моменты нужно поправить.

Его основная специализация это работа над ментальной составляющей игры:
– повышение самооценки спортсмена, когда обращается внимание не на ошибки, а на позитивные моменты, пусть и в проигранном матче;
– работа над пониманием, что можно и нужно ошибаться, чтобы стать лучше;
– поведение на корте (работа над осанкой, техники дыхания, возврат в сбалансированное состояние после проигранного очка).

Мы очень много работали над тактикой игры. У Эди интересная классификация позиций, из которых наносится удар и соответственно спортсмен сразу же принимает решение о своих дальнейших действиях в розыгрыше.

Ну и отдельно нужно сказать, что Эди прекрасный позитивный человек, который с легкостью находит контакт с детьми и они просто обожают с ним тренироваться и ждут следующей возможности.

Мы все ждем следующего турнира.

Евгений, отец Тимы и Артема, 12 и 9 лет“

Evgeny Storozhuk- father of Artyom and Timophey - (December 2023)

“Edi (Edvard) Igaz is an outstanding tennis coach who has worked with my kids through the Ten Pro Tour for the past 2 years.

He is a role model for excellence, patience and hard work. His communication skills are particularly exceptional. Not only does he listen to the kids; he also explains things using key words about technique and strategy that are easy to understand and more importantly, to remember. This connection with young athletes energizes them and instills a special love for the game.

Edi also coaches with a positive attitude, encouraging them so they’re not overwhelmed. We’ve seen firsthand how this consistent motivation improves proficiency, performance and success. His Mental coaching, calm nature and positiveness really helps my children. It’s what distinguishes him as a great coach. I give Edi my highest recommendation. We look forward to keep on working with him long term but Ten Pro is lucky to have him.“

Moira and Bjorn - parents of Chloe and Luke (Malta) - (March 2023)

“Edi is not only a formidable tennis coach but an exceptional human being with interpersonal skills that translates off the court as well.

We have experienced Edi as our son’s coach twice and each time Edi taught in quantifiable terms the many important aspects of tennis ranging from the tactical to the mental.

The vast improvements in our son’s tennis is only one reason we would continue to work with Edi. As a high motivator, Edi’s patience and keen listening and observational skills on matters on and off the court are unique among coaches. We enthusiastically recommend him.“

Sylvia and Philippe - parents of Indra (USA) - (Aug. 2022)

“We had insightful 2 day tennis sessions with Eddie( Edvard Igaz) at Shanku water park. Courtesy Amana Choudhary n family.
Eddie is an experienced coach and a mentor with a very positive attitude. His in depth analysis of set play and tie breaks were the biggest take away. He made players realise to play each ball on its merit and instilled sense of belief and energy into players through his positive talks.
We liked the way he conducts drills and practice sessions that forces players to deal with orange and red balls( in his terminology!). I could see my daughter actually applying those learning in the actual point play scenario immediately!!!”

On court he is very disciplined and holds professional attitude. Utilising every minute for players betterment.

We thank Eddie for extending his support and look forward to more such sessions in future.” With Warm regards

Hiten Rathod (India) - father of Avisha - (April 2022)

“Hey Eddy, ik wou nog even dank u zeggen voor de tijd die je voor mij genomen hebt. En ik heb er echt iets uit bijgeleerd dus heel erg dank u Groetjes Anastasia

Edy dank u voor de evaluatie met Anastasia. Het heeft haar goed geholpen. Hierdoor is ze gaan nadenken en beseft ze dat ze nog meer wat haar sterke punten zijn en dat ze deze meer moet gebruiken. Big thank u. Groetjes Tommy”

Anastasia and Tommy Huysegom (Belgium)

“Edi’s training sessions were very productive and engaging. He has a unique way to quantify the outcome of each drill and to pin-point the issues that need to be fixed. Through Edi’s training, every hit and every ball now has a target and purpose for Forrest. Definitely Edi has helped Forrest to setup clear goals and direction for every single training. On top of that, Edi is a professional, fun-filling and genuine person whom you will love.”

Shelley, Tony and Forrest (Canada)

My daughter Sandra had an opportunity to take few practice sessions with Edi during Dutch Bowl 2018.
I found Edi’s approach to helping a player development as extremely constructive. He takes time to understanding individual player’s technical and mental strength and weakness and guides them towards shaping a complete competitive playing strategy.
While Edi’s practice sessions are very intense and demanding, he always tries to channel power and intensity into developing a positive competitive spirit and helps a player to become both a stronger competitor and a better person off the court.
Edi’s evaluation after the tournament was also very detailed and to the point, and clearly spelled out areas to work on to improve the game.
It was a privilege and great pleasure to interact with Edi as a coach and a person, and hope Sandra has more opportunities to receive his coaching.”

Beso Sikharulidze (USA) - father of Alessandra

“Edi gab unserem Sohn wertvolle Tips, die er vermutlich sein ganzes Tennisleben anwenden kann. Er eröffnete ihm auf einfühlsame und freundliche Weise ganz neue Sichtweisen auf sein Spiel, seine Stärken, die Taktik und auf sich selbst.
Edi ist für uns authentisch, er hat Freude an dem, was er tut und das strahlt auf die Spieler ab. Er ist während des Coachings oder einer Match-Beobachtung zwecks Analyse 100% dabei. Er lässt sich auf sein Gegenüber ein und scheint immer die richtige Sprache und Art und Weise zu finden, für die der Spieler offen ist.
Wir möchten uns auch hier noch einmal ganz herzlich bedanken für deine Professionalität, dein Know-How, deine Kunst, Komplexes kindgerecht zu vermitteln, dein konzentriertes Zuhören und die Begeisterung, die von unserem Sohn mit großer Freude übernommen wurde.
Wir sind dankbar, dass wir einen Menschen wie dich und auch Deine Frau kennenlernen durften.”

Sylvia Ponnath (Germany) - mother of Leonardo

“Edi is a great, positive coach and a wonderful person. We are very lucky that we met him and had him during the tournament as a coach. He helped my son to see a lot of positive things in the game even when he loses and to learn how to be more confident in the game.
Step by step helping him to believe in himself more even in difficult matches.
Great preparation, analysis and pre and after match talks. Detailed analysis of each match and my son fall in love with “Bravo moments”…
And looking forward to work with Edi again.”

Anna Galea (Malta) - mother of Evan

Denne mannen er gullverdt! 

Hans kunnskap og erfaring innen tennis er på topp nivå og hans støtte har stor betydning for både nybegynnere og spillere som har kommet langt i tennis. Vi anbefaler  Edvard’s tjenester på det sterkeste!” 

Lena (mother of Luna)

Lena (Norway) - mother of Luna

“२२ जनवरी से ६ फरवरी तक अमाना चौधरी के कोच श्री ए. डी. सर के शंकुज डिवाइन चाइल्ड स्कूल, वाटर पार्क, मेहसाणा, , गुजरात, इंडिया में निवास का मेरा (कृणाल शुक्ल ) अनुभव :
∙ स्पोर्ट्स पर्सन का श्रेष्ठ व्यक्तित्व |
∙ श्रेष्ठ प्रशिक्षक और मार्गदर्शक |
∙ प्रशिक्षण की सरल पद्धति |
∙ प्रशिक्षकों के साथ तालमेल से भरा सम्बन्ध |
∙ संतोष जनक परिणाम तक निरंतर तालीम |
∙ खिलाडी के साथ आत्मीयता का सम्बन्ध |
∙ नवीन और आधुनिक पद्धति के साथ तालीम |
∙ सख्त अनुशासन और समय पालन के आग्रही |
∙ अन्य कोच को भी प्रेरणादायी मार्गदर्शन |
∙ सभी कर्मचारियों के साथ आदर पूर्वक प्रेमपूर्ण व्यवहार |
∙ तालीम के हर पहलू का उचित मार्गदर्शन |
∙ प्रत्येक छात्र और प्रशिक्षक के साथ पारिवारिक व्यवहार |
∙ श्रेष्ठ खिलाड़ियों के खेल प्रदर्शन का वीडियो दिखाकर प्रशिक्षकों को प्रोत्साहक तालीम |
∙ खेल भावना से ओतप्रोत |
आपके साथ का मेरा ये अनुभव जीवनभर रहेगा और भविष्य में भी आपका साथ और सहकार मिले ऐसी अपेक्षा |

Krunal - Fitness coach (India)

“Jag Alexander Berglund Sverige har genomfört 2 bra träningspass med Edvard.Han har ett inspirerande sätt att lära ut och förklarar väldigt pedagogiskt hur man förbättrar tekniken. Jag kan rekommendera att boka ett pass med honom om du vill nå till nästa nivå!” Tack Eddie!

Alexandander Berglung (Sweden)

“Outstanding Service, vibrant, energetic, inspiring!
Eddy and Robby provided excellent outstanding support. Their vibrant, energetic and inspiring nature provided an excellent supportive environment for the players.
The small group came from different backgrounds and different continents of the world and they all got on so well.
Without Eddy and Robby The Nadal Academy Ten-Pro would never have been such a positive experience to us.”

Mischka Lorgat (South Africa) - mother of Imaad

“Edi 是一位特别好的网球教练,他的课不仅对高水平成年人有很大提高,初学者儿童也特别喜欢和他学球。很幸运我的女儿能够和他学习,因为Edi的专业能力和友善的态度,合理的教学方法,她对网球产生了极大的兴趣,水平提高很快,网球成为了她生命的一部分。感谢Edi,五星级教练!

I wish you a successful 2019, see you soon, Kind regards,Angela”

Angela van Dis (China - NL) - mother of Ana Maria

“Au cours de vacances aux Maldives, j’ai eu le plaisir de pouvoir prendre 4 heures de cours avec Edvard. Ce fût un véritable plaisir d’avoir rencontrer et partager notre passion du tennis. Edvald est très proche et avenant de ses élèves.
J’ai tout particulièrement apprécié la psychologie constructive sur tous les thèmes que nous avons travaillé durant les 4 heures, y compris lors des points loupés, afin de s’assurer la compréhension de l’erreur sous la pression du match de l’adrénaline. Il en fut de même pour les points gagnants : s’assurer de savoir pourquoi ils furent gagnants.
Edvald a surtout cet aspect professionnel et particulièrement attentif aux besoins du client.
Je recommande tout particulièrement des heures de cours avec Edvald qui sera mettre en confiance des personnes de tous niveaux.”

G. Picard (France)

“Thank you Edi for this detailed analysis. I think you really nailed it down. Luca’s coach was impressed with your PDF.”

Eric Gauthier (UK) - father of Luca

Edi is a great coach! “Эди- отличный тренер, Дарья с удовольствием с ним занималась во время турниров Ten-pro. Интересный подход, работает с ментальностью и тактикой. Особенно полезно во время матчей. Очень рекомендую, появляются моментально новые навыки у подрастающих теннисистов.”

Mariana Domova (Russia) - mother of Daria

“Being a parent of a junior tennis player is not an easy task. You want to inspire your child to dedicate herself/himself to a wonderful life of a sportsman/sportswoman. But everybody knows that the road to success lies through hard work and determination, so there is an essential need of a lot of support and proper guidance. In those moments it’s important to find the right person for such an significant role. Anna and I feel very fortunate to have met Edi Igaz. His experience, a positive approach and spot on simple advices puts young players at ease and give them much needed confidence.
We are looking forward to work with Edi, Mr. “Ahaa” again!”

“Sa fii un părinte al unui jucător de tenis de juniori nu este o sarcină ușoară. Vrei să-ți inspiri copilul să se dedice acestei vieți minunate de sportiv. Dar toată lumea știe că drumul spre succes constă în multa muncă și determinare, așa că există o nevoie esențială de mult sprijin și îndrumare adecvată. În aceste momente este important să găsim persoana potrivită pentru un rol atât de esential. Anna și cu mine suntem foarte norocoși să-l fi întâlnit pe Edi Igaz. Experiența sa, o abordare pozitivă și sfaturile simple dar la obiect, îi ajută pe tinerii jucători să se simtă în largul lor și le dau încrederea necesară.”

Robert Micu (Malta-Romania) - father of Ana

“Edi oli 9v. poikamme tukena Ten-Pro turnauksessa. He saivat nopeasti toimivan yhteyden keskenään, vaikka poikani ei puhu englatia. Edin positiivinen innostus toimii hyvin kilpailun yhteydessä; hän tunnisti nopeasti poikani pelilliset vahvuudet ja pelityylin ja rohkaisi käyttämään niitä ottelussa. Lisäksi hän sai poikani kokeilemaan toisenlaista taktiikkaa tilanteessa missä oma tuttu peli ei tuonut menestystä.
Lisäksi Edi esitti kehityskohteet niin mieleenjäävillä tavoilla, että poikani puhui niistä viikkoja kisojen jälkeen. Edi ansiosta pelottava, ulkomaankielinen tilaisuus muuttui hauskaksi ja opettavaksi kokemukseksi. “

Antti Koskinen (Finland) - fatherof Aarne

“We met Coach Edward and his brother Coach Robert at the Dutch bowl 2018 in February. They both had brilliantly positive vibes and energy which is the foremost requirement for a productive tennis session. They made significant strides by being fun but firm and tactically very observant. Then after our amazing experience of a week we got another opportunity to engage Coach Edward for my 13 year old son for 2 weeks during a Tennis Europe tournament. Must say that Eddy was very encouraging and engaging and I believe the best tactical and mental coach my son has seen so far. He watched all aspects of his game and made (often subtle) suggestions and tweaks – all of which worked. We were all delighted with how his game improved. I would thoroughly recommend Eddy to all players irrespective of your standard or age. He has a deep understanding of the different learning styles and was able to tailor his lessons to best fit the player and most importantly he is flexible and adjusts with the strengths and weaknesses of the player.”

Nidhi Chopra (India) - mother of Aditya

“We met Edi on the Dutch bowl 2018. Edi led the training camp of the participating children. We are extremely pleased with the three-day tennis camp. Eddie has an extraordinary approach to both children and their parents. Edi is not only an outstanding professional but also an excellent pedagogue and psychologist.
Our son is quite emotional and Edi managed to find a way to him and to influence him positively. Thanks to the trainings we made a serious account of our son’s training process so far.
Our son was very pleased to train and learn from Edi. The smile and his satisfaction after training are an attestation of Eddie’s excellent approach to the child.
For us, the meeting with Eddie and his brother Robbie was very important for changing our vision for the good.
Thank you, Edi!”

Nora Stankova (Bulgaria) - mother of Vitorio

“Yo fui a entrenar con Eddie por cinco días a Holanda, aunque no lo conocía antes, Eddie siempre fue muy abierto y interesado en las clases. Además de que podía manejarme con él en inglés en las clases. Se nota su interés en el desarrollo del jugador y es rápido en notar pequeños detalles para mejorar su juego. De ser posible volvería a entrenar más días con él.”

Jos Maria Calvo Palacios (Costa Rica)

“Mr. Igaz have a great way to comunicate with kids and explain tennis in a easy way and very understandably for kids!!
We had the great possibility to meet and work a few days togheter with Mr. Igaz! In this five days he work togheter with my son Dorian (9 years) he took out of him things in tennis we never belive he had!
He found a genius way to comunicate, explane and work with my son, that it was pure joy to watch the training! Never before, in the last 2,5 years my kid is in tennis, somebody was working with him in this great way.
I will use every opportunity to work togheter with Mr. Igaz again! Can only recomendet him!! It was a pleasure!!”

Zlatko Stiblik (Croatia) - father of Dorian

“A coach who works with heart and understanding of children and parents.
We are eager to recommend Edi from personal experience after more trained trainers. My daughter always climbs her level and understands the game to a much better and lenient way.”

Sejla Brdarevic (Luxemburg) - mother of Erna

マルタ在住 長谷川雅美 .”

Masami Hasegawa (Japan-Malta) - mother of John

“Edi is een zeer pedagogisch onderlegde trainer/coach die zijn leerling in zijn/haar waarde laat en met opbouwende raad en daad de jonge tennisser naar een hoger niveau brengt.
De toernooileiding van TenPro bij de Rafa Nadal Academy attendeerde mij op Edvard Igaz en zijn broer omdat ik iemand zocht om mijn zoon Emile (12j) te begeleiden.
Edi heeft het coaching on Court en de voorbereiding voor de wedstrijden op zich genomen. Dit was een bijzondere, positieve ervaring. Emile heeft veel geleerd in deze korte periode.
Dankzij de uitgebreide analyse en de wefstrijdstatistieken die we van Edi en zijn broer mochten ontvangen, zijn er genoeg zaken waar Emile samen met zijn trainer de komende maanden aan kan werken om ern betere tennisser te worden.
De opbouwende feedback en het gevoel dat er iemand is die in je gelooft en je wil helpen, heeft Emile een boast gegeven om weer hard te werken en te trainen om een betere tennisser te worden.
Hopelijk kan hij bij een volgend toernooi weer met Edi aan de slag !”

Inge Potgens (Belgium) - mother of Emile

كان أو مرة اتمرن معه حسن ابني من سنتين و فعلا وضح قدرته علي لفت انتباه المتمرن معه
يستخدم اسلوب سهل و مناسب لإعمار اللاعبين و يوجه اهم النصائح بطريقه مشوقه بدون ملل
التنس لعبه صعبه من الناحيه النفسيه و العقليه و عليها فمدربين مثل ايدي يحعلز التمرين رائع
كم نتمني أن يكون يقربنا 🙂
محمد حشيش ( والد اللاعب حسن من مصر )”

Mohammed Hashish (Egypt) - father of Hassan

“Thank you Edi for everything.”

Gregor Skorjanc (Slovenia) - father of Nejc, Klemen and Kristian

“Wir haben Edvard Igaz auf der Globaljuniortour 2019 in Brüssel getroffen.Meine 9-jährige Tochter Maja hat mit Edvard trainieren dürfen. Wir waren sofort von seiner Trainingsmethode begeistert. Sehr professionell, sehr verständlich und zielgerichtet! Er findet Antworten auf die vielen Fragen, die es im Tennis gibt! Wir möchten gerne mit Edvard weiterarbeiten, denn Maja möchte eines Tages eine sehr gute Tennisspielerin werden. Danke Eddi – wir freuen uns auf viele Trainingseinheiten mit dir!”

Michael Schweika (Germany) - Father of Maja

“I find it intensive and my child learns alot of new things. He has improved alot tactically, and mentally. He enjoys the trainings very much, and always looks forward to the next session. After the training sessions, he always has a good feeling about the training.
The trainer explains everything very clearly, and always has a positive attitude.”

Kevin Fogg (New Zealand) - father of Simmo Martin

“Ria absolutely loves working with Edi! We have worked with Edvard several times now. Our daughter Ria is always happy to learn from him.
Eddie has a way of getting through to whoever he is coaching and bringing out their best.
We constantly say that we wish Eddie lived in the UK close to us. If he did we would always work with him.
In the future, we would like to meet up somewhere and work with him for a longer period.”

Chris Ferguson (UK) - father of Ria

“Wij gebruiken Tennis troubleshoot voor als onze zoon toernooien in het buitenland heeft. Wij vinden Edi de perfecte trainer & coach voor op deze reizen. Bijzonder positieve manier van trainen – op (mentaal) niveau van het kind – Gedreven en enthousiast – Goede tips en perfecte mentale begeleiding. – Duidelijke doelen – Creatief in de trainingen – Hoge intensiteit – Professioneel!

Carina Kaak (The Netherlands) - mother of Mart-Jan

“It is a pleasure to work with Edi. He is a peaceful person but energetic in the way he teaches tennis. He has the “shine” in his eyes. His analyzing capabilities are great and he triggers the players to be the best they can be; also as human beings. I recommend him highly.”

Vlada Zoric (Serbia) - Fitness coach of ATP nr. 90 Laslo Djere

“Hi Edi, and thanks for everything you did helping Joel last week 👍🤗👏 I think it really helped him to uderstand the essentials💪.
Keep in touch👍”

Nikke Nylund (Finland) - father of Joel


Shaowei (China, NL)

“Edi has a funny, metaphorical way to explain things to young players.
Once, while coaching my son Luka, in the after match evaluation he used a “toilet bowl” and flushing it to explain the principle of reviving the opponent in a match. The message came directly through! I compliment him as a coach and person.”

Goran Novakovic (Spain) - Director of the Ten-Pro Global Junior Tour - www.ten-pro.net - father of Luka

“First time my daughter worked with tennistroubleshooting coach Edvard Igaz during her first international tournament.
Edvard managed to build up her confidence from day to day with very positive attitude whilst stressing the most important things to work on.
Building up the trust breach and understanding the psychology of the young child is what made the work of Edvard as a very effective tool while developing child’s skills and ,most importantly his, in our case her, personality.
In a very diversified tennis environment Edi opens up a tennis to a child as a great sport which is fair, hard work and most importantly helps to fit in the whole process of a persons’s development.
The second time was a great experience of on-court-coaching during the tournament in Spain, it had been hard work of a a child and a coach, defying weak points and setting up a development short-term plan, whilst underlying the broader picture.
The overall experience has been brilliant, and hopefully there is more to come.
From a parent point of view, it has been a keystone in understanding the real balance of life and tennis in my daughter’s life, to be more precise finding the way to be a parent, a friend and a person whose decision affect your child’s development as a person – tennis troubleshooting by Edi has become major contributor to a human being who loves the sport of tennis.”

Olga Vaissenberg (Latvia) - mother of Georgia